The RC put it to Spinks that there is comming legislation comming out of these proceedings, of which mandatory reporting, to be worked out. Criminal charges for those in clergy positions failing to make the report.
In the post "Contacted by Royal Commission Today" "umbertoecho" stated that she was encouraged to seek compensation for damages. Mulling that post over in my mind I think the RC will legeslate a means that the victims of Jehovah witnesses will be able to gain compensation from the Watchtower much like the Catholics.
I would also think from the line of questioning that somehow they will craft into legislation a means that will make the religious organization somehow responsible for the actions of its agents. So a elder could be jailed for not reporting but also sanctions for his organization.
In a post of mine a Aussie said of the RC that "these guys are a 'iron fist in a velvet glove' " These guys came into these proceedings knowing where they want to go.